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Re: Fdisk

im leaning bad drive or bad usb to ata adapter.

try unplugging the enclosure from the system, unloading the ehci driver
(rmmod ehci-hcd i think, not on *nix box to verify), and then hooking
the drive back into the system.  after it loads check lsmod for ehci to
make sure it didnt get reloaded.  there is some issue with block devices
and running at usb 2.0 speeds, but it is hit and miss for anyone i have
heard of with the issue.

is firewire an option?  i have always prefered firewire to usb for hard
drives (probably out of habit, i had firewire before i had usb2)

and yeah try as robert suggests and do a knoppix test.  unless it has
changed, knoppix doesnt load the ehci driver because of the problem
above, which sucks if you dont know it is happening and are wondering
why your usb hard drive is dog slow (but nice if you are one of the
people who would otherwise have been plagued with the problem)

hope this helps


Robert Citek wrote:
> On Mar 30, 2006, at 9:33 PM, Ray Holtz wrote:
>> I am trying to get a Seagate 160GB EIDE drive in a Kingwin TL-35USBI
>> external drive enclosure (USB2) working.  The drive is brand new, never
>> used.  I plug it in to the computer running Fedora 4 with kernel
>> 2.6.15-1.1833_FC4 (with all current updates) and get this message from
>> /var/log/messages:
> Looks like a bad drive.  It happens.  But just for grins and because I
> don't have FC4, can you try the same using Knoppix 4.0.2 CD?
> Regards,
> - Robert
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