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Re: mail header mangling -- free Webmail readers that don't?

From: mark@bish.net
> Why do you persist to do something that annoys the crap out of people?
> Doesn't this violate some sort of standard?

Because I'm using Earthlink Webmail which does stupid stuff.
GMail has other issues as well.
And I'm trying out Yahoo Mail against a suite right now.

If _anyone_ can suggest a free webmail that does not, I'm game.

At home, I use Evolution which does not.

> Bryan, you did this over on SLUG and got called out on it.

And I said the same thing there -- issues with readers available
for PalmOS, free Webmail, etc...  Eudora introduces other
problems for PalmOS, just like GMail does for free Webmail.

BTW, there were actually other complaints like changing the
subject (although I just append, so people can still sort by
subject), which is a standard UseNet ettique.

As as far as everything else on SLUG, if people want to circle
jerk in ignorance and just distro piss and bash, that's their
problem.  I don't see that problem at LEAP, SILUG, SLUUG,

Bryan J. Smith   mailto:b.j.smith@ieee.org

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