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Re: RH8 apt-get weirdness

Mike Cash <nze0005@globaleyes.net> wrote ..
> Oh, I love Perl.  I'm gonna get the Llama Book for christmas, in fact.

Don't. IMHO, it's not that great of a book. Best book on Perl, hands down, for intermediate to advanced programmers and for OO learning not just about Perl, is Damien Conway's _Object-Oriented Perl_. For the beginner, I've found Andrew Johnson's _Elements of Programming with Perl_ to be a better book with more of a literate programming style. And for mod_perl exploration, Randy Kobes _mod_perl Developer's Cookbook_ is the one to read.

And for practical Perl, well, there's the somewhat dated _Practical Perl_, but the hands down winner in this category is Tom Christiansen and Nat Torkington's _The Perl Cookbook_.

> After all, would you call Linux a "Unix-wannabe OS?

Yes I would. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Linus is attributed to writing Linux as a Minix-inspired Unix clone.
c.f. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linus_Torvalds

> Also, in the case of Ruby, and looks like Lua as well, they originated
> in other countries, unlike Perl.

Wouldn't be the first time cheap knockoffs have come from abroad. :=)

Or are you implying that something originating in the U.S. is either somehow inferior or that origination elsewhere is somehow superior? In what measurable way with what criteria?


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