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Re: I hate Linux

On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 11:12:49PM -0600, john doe wrote:
> I agree to some extent, its certainly not ready for grandma's desktop

Don't give me that crap.  My parents and my in-laws (all grandparents
now, thank you very much) have had Linux boxes for *years*.

Linux isn't right for the
types, sure, but your average user just wants something that WORKS,
and a properly configured Linux box does that job just fine, and has
at least since KDE became stable and StarOffice became

Unfortunately, I think the only thing that will truely make newer
users happy is a pointy-clicky-don't-make-me-think distribution
(presumably) like Lindows, or the other end of the spectrum
(Gentoo/Slackass^H^H^Hware/*BSD) that forces you to actually
understand what's going on in order to get anything done.  Fedora/Red
Hat makes some things deceptively easy, and other things, well, not.

steve@silug.org           | Southern Illinois Linux Users Group
(618)398-7360             | See web site for meeting details.
Steven Pritchard          | http://www.silug.org/

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