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Next meeting topic - Linux Kernel Networking Drivers

At a request I am going to talk about the linux networking kernel drivers
at the next meeting.  Now, I can't remember which of you masochists out
there wanted to see this, but we'll deleve into them with glee.  Hell if I
have enough time I might even write a pseudo loop back interface for us to
play with.  Yeah, I need to stop talking, finish the Guiness and go to
bed.  On a passing side note, anyone on the list play Dark Age of
Camelot?  More specifically, Hibernia on Isleuit (sp?)?  If so, drop me a
line.  Night kiddos!


ps.  I would like to see a presentation on how to make money off of
knowing linux!  Not involving adminning or coding either!  ;)

Tighe Schlottog		Sys Admin at large	  /emry\"@"/accessus.net\
                             ook ook

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